thi công xây dựng, thiết kế xây dựng

thi công xây dựng, thiết kế xây dựng

thi công xây dựng, thiết kế xây dựng

báo giá xây dựng, bao gia xay dung, tu xua nha, tu sữa nha

báo giá xây dựng, bao gia xay dung, tu xua nha, tu sữa nha
báo giá xây dựng, bao gia xay dung, tu xua nha, tu sữa nha
Nguyên nhân nhà bị lún và những giải pháp khắc phục dành cho bạn

Cause of the settlement and the solution for you

For new builders, shortly after construction on the wall began to appear cracks and the phenomenon of subsidence, light cracked birds are heavier, longer and deep cracks and heavier subsidence.

Most of these cracks and cracks occur due to the fault of the construction unit during the construction and repairing of errors, but in some cases the cause also comes from the investor. As for the old house, the cracks appear due to the degraded wall causing the water to penetrate the wall causing mold, pollution ...

Sinking is extremely dangerous to the lives of people living in that house.

  • Is cracking due to subsidence?

The condition of the house has many causes, not because the cracks cracked; There are even houses but not cracked. Cracking usually has three causes: physical, mechanical and construction. The mechanical surface is due to subsidence or calculation of missing structure, hammock system momentum; This cause is very rare. Cracking is mostly in physical, thermal, For example, the west, under the impact of sunshine, makes the cracking of the walls and doors differ.

Causes of cracking on the construction site are many such as technical malfunction, brick is not dipped water before construction or walls to be too dry when mortar; or the quality of the brick is not good; or water paint does not follow the manufacturer's instructions. Sometimes when the walls and floors are too high, many cement also crack.

  • Sinking due to faulty structure

Due to the structural design, because the elements are not fully predicted, the most common is the false sinking down many but inappropriate nail solutions. In other cases, the house is tilted sideways, we often think that the ground is bad. Before looking down on the ground, let's look up the stairs, which means looking at how the force is applied to the nail.

It is no coincidence that most of the dwindling homes are inclined towards the balcony side of the house. This is due to the force of the balcony effect, so the force at the column with the balcony is often greater than the force inside (sometimes twice or more). The designer when the force often ignore the effect of increasing the vertical force of the balcony torque. Since the force of the column is not correct, the area of ​​the foundation incorrectly leads to groundless ground turbulence and eventually uneven subsidence.

  • Sinking due to false structure

For example, using sand on the head of the tree is a bad thing. In reality the builders usually have a solution to finish the melaleuca piles must cover the top with a layer of sand 10 cm thick, some places lined 20 cm or more. This work may cause subsidence because under the bottom of the foundation, the sand can get into the mud underneath or into the concrete layer lined above the hollow.

Or by flow, the sand can be shifted; Or near the excavation, the sand layer over the head of this pile may be landslide. It is possible that the thickness of the sand layer is unevenly applied, which can cause uneven deposition. In addition, the sanding nail is not linked to the masses of Melaleuca forests, so the foundation hardness is weakened, so it can be vibrated when the car is running close to the side. On the other hand, due to the influence of the impulse, this cushioning layer may be muddy, increasing the subsidence and vibration of the structure. It is therefore necessary to place the melaleuca piles on the concrete layer so that the vertical force and transverse force transfer from the nail to the melaleuca block, so that the foundation and the melaleuca pile form a load bearing mass with no intermediate sand.

Before building, you should focus on the factors that may cause the subsidence or not?

Other causes may be caused by using concrete pavement 4-6. Normally people use 4-6 concrete slabs to lining before laying the concrete foundation stone with stone 1-2. In fact, this concrete layer is often "trowel" by laying the stone and then using cement mortar up top, rough skimmer. Since this lining can not be called concrete because of many holes.

Can cause landslides due to lining, because the soil below the bottom of the foundation to occupy the empty place in stone concrete 4-6. On the other hand, if later on with construction works, when digging the foundation can cause the concrete lining, this causes further subsidence. It is therefore recommended to use 1-2 slabs of concrete and pour in place. Having a homeowner who chooses 4 to 6 layers of 200 mm thick concrete lining is inefficient and expensive, which is inconvenient for construction and may cause less safety for the building. Do not use broken concrete as a nail because brick quality is less than stone 4-6.

  • Sinking settlement - domino style when building inserts

In addition, construction "through loudspeaker", not technically correct or cheating is also the cause of subsidence. Need to have effective measures to support or apply each foundation; Perform in roll form. The synchronous areas at the same time often do not involve, but building inserts are easy to sink if there is no right solution.

In order to prevent or remedy the settlement and repair of the subsidence house, to know the new cause to take effective measures. It takes a few years until the subsidence diminishes, until the "saturation" is no longer subsided. Move up the lower column.


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